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Why Taser?

When choosing a personal protection device, it's important to factor in the most important elements first - safety, reliability and effectiveness. These factors guided us at DefenseTech USA when choosing a technology partner to sell and train our clients on. 

  • Taser has been in continuous use by law enforcement and security professionals around the world for many years, in a variety of scenarios and with many success stories - including overcoming highly aggressive, drunk and drugged perpetrators. 

  • Taser is considered as a "non-lethal" personal protection tool, meaning that the risk of causing death (and with it a whole myriad of legal issues, even in justified self-defense scenarios) can be considered much lower. That said, in many cases, it's much more effective than a firearm in self-defense situations. 

  • Taser's technology is unique in the way it incapacitates an assailant. While online stores offer a wide variety of "tasers", only a genuine Taser (Axon-owned) is using the NMI (Neuromuscular Incapacitation) technology, which has an immediate effect even on attackers under the influence of drugs or alcohol, as well as wild animals. 

  • Unlike firearms, Taser's devices can be legally owned and carried for self-defense in most US states*.  

  • Taser's consumer devices can be easily integrated to your phone and provide an "emergency beacon" that will alert law enforcement to your location upon deployment of your Taser. 

  • With Taser's "Safe Escape" policy (see below), the company commits to replace your Taser unit (if you left it at the scene while escaping) at no cost to you, based on the company's terms & conditions, here.
    Taser's "Safe Escape" policy really shows that the company cares about your safety first.     


* This is not a legal advice and should not be taken as such. Taser's list of state laws can be found here.
NJ regulations regarding the legality of owning and carrying Tasers can be found here.


Taser's consumer-level devices (such as the Pulse or Pulse+) are designed to deliver continuous electrical charge to your attacker's body and maintain incapacitation for a duration of time to allow you to escape to safety.


Once you deploy your Taser in self-defense and your attacker is hit and falls down, you no longer have to hold (or re-squeeze) the trigger to maintain incapacitation. In most cases you can simply lay down the device (which will continue to control the attacker) and escape - as long as the circumstances allow that. You don't need to worry about leaving the Taser device behind in such scenario because Taser commits to replace it with another device at no cost to you. You can find Taser's Safe Escape Guarantee here

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