Firearms Training
From novice, prospective gun owners to advanced shooters; self-defense minded to "eye on the prize" competitive athletes - we can help you get there!
Our basic-to-advanced Firearms Training services are provided by experienced NRA certified instructors and Range Safety Officers, with both tactical as well as competitive experience, at an approved range, using approved training materials and most importantly - 100% attention to your needs.
Gun Owners:
NJ Permit To Carry (PTC) - Qualification only
Permit To Carry Qualification only (no training), includes:
- Individual instruction (no groups)
- Student provides gun (registered to the student) and ammo (50 rounds/gun)
- Based on current NJSP training requirements
- Cost listed for 1st gun. Additional guns in the same session: $65/gun (student provides ammo: 50 rounds/gun)
- Range fees are included
- WHO is it for: experienced shooters who train regularly and feel comfortable hitting a qualifying target at ranges up to 25 yards, at least 40 out of 50 rounds.
- WHO is it NOT for: new/inexperienced shooters. Please remember that this is a Pass/Fail session, and no firearms training is included. A shooter who fails the qualification may schedule another session, paid separately. Unless you're experienced with the handgun you're planning on qualifying for, we recommend choosing the "Basic Training + PTC Qualification" course in this section.
Gun Owners:
Basic Training + NJ Permit To Carry (PTC) Qualification
Basic Firearms Training + PTC Qualification, includes:
- 2 hours of individual firearms training
- PTC qualification test included (1 gun, $185 value)
- Gun Owners provide own gun & ammo for qualification (gun must be registered to student; ammo must be factory i.e. no reloads, 50 rounds)
- Range fees included
- Recommended for new/inexperienced gun owners!
NON-Gun Owners (prospective gun buyers):
Basic Training + guidance in selecting your first gun!
Basic Firearms Training (non-gun owners), includes:
- 2 hours of individual, basic firearms training
- Use of instructor's gun & ammo (50 rounds)
- Guidance in selecting first gun!
- Range fees included
ALL SHOOTERS (Gun owners or prospective ones):
NRA Basic Pistol/Rifle Course
Personal training on the safe handling & use of a pistol, based on NRA-approved Basic Pistol content. Training is delivered by an NRA-certified professional trainer, at a shooting range.
Training includes:
- 2 range sessions (3 hours each)
- Range fees included
- NRA Basic Pistol/rifle training materials
- NRA certificate upon successful completion of the course
- Student provides own handgun and ammo (200 rounds)
- PTC qualification included for gun owners (1 gun, $185 value)
- Optional: usage of instructor's handgun and ammo (at additional cost)
- Open to both gun owners and prospective ones (non-gun owners can will use instructor's handgun and ammo at additional cost)
Gun Owners:
Advanced Training (hourly)
Personal training & coaching for advanced shooters, including competition preparation and advanced shooting techniques. Training is delivered by an NRA-certified professional trainer, at a shooting range.
Training includes:
- hourly training (indoor/outdoor range)
- Student provides own handgun and ammo
- Open to advanced shooters only, by instructor's discretion and judgment of shooter's safety & proficiency.

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